It's Time, We'd Love You To Join The Clean Colour Movement
Experience for yourself why Clean Colour is in O&M’s DNA and why thousands of salons around the world are putting their health first without compromising on salon colour performance, we can have it all.
Go CleanWhy O&M?
"It's All About The Why"
Presented by: O&M Founder, Jose Bryce Smith.
View time: 1 minute.
Natalie Anne Shares Why She Moved To Clean Colour By O&M For Her Salon, Her Team & Her Clients.
"I put it to the test because I have skin conditions and allergies and the results were incredible"
Presented by: Natalie Anne.
View Time: 1 minute.
See O&M Clean Colour Achieve This Beautiful Lived In Blonde.
Travis takes us through his 4 step lived in blonde approach, a technique and approach ready for the salon floor.
Want to get your hands on an O&M Clean Colour Sample kit and try this yourself?
Sample kit Only $147 AUD.
See O&M Clean Colour Achieve A Stunning Rich Copper
Bruno takes us through his approach to achieving rich vibrant coppers using O&M Clean Colour.
Want to get your hands on a an O&M Clean Colour Sample kit and try this yourself?
Sample Kit Only $147 AUD.
Perfect Grey Coverage With Ammonia, PPD & Resorcinol Free, Clean Colour.
Want to get your hands on an O&M Clean Colour Sample kit and try this yourself?
Sample kit Only $147 AUD.

Mary Alemine, Royals Hair Sydney
Times are changing and people are becoming more environmentally conscious. People want to look after their health. And for us [as owners of four salons], it was really important to have a clean colour because our staff are exposed to the colour all day. Having something that's ammonia and PPD free, that still gives you a beautiful results made it a no brainer to switch to O&M.”

Gabrielle Barber, Agape Hair, Tasmania